
# This code is copyright Stephen C Phillips (
# It is licensed using GPL v3.

# get the radio URLs if they are not there
[ ! -f $URLS ] && bbc_radio_update

case "$1" in
        mpc -q clear
        # Run the "mpc" command, remove any line starting "volume"
        # and replace any line starting with "http" with "Unknown station"
        mpc | grep -vE "^volume:" | sed "s/^http:.*/Unknown station/"
        # Take the URLS file, split each line at the comma
        # and just print the first field, then sort them
        cat $URLS | cut -d',' -f1 | sort
        # Stop whaever is playing and then update the URL list
        echo "Fetching station URLs..."
        mpc -q clear
        # Search the URLS file for this script's argument ($1) followed
        # by anything and then a comma. Redirect it to /dev/null so the result
        # isn't shown in the console.
        grep -i "$1.*, " $URLS > /dev/null
        # Check if we found a URL in the URLs file matching the argument.
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            mpc -q clear
            # Again, search for the argument, take just the first line that matches
            # (using "head"), split the line at the comma and take the second field.
            # Add this to the playlist with "mpc add".
            mpc -q add `grep -i "$1.*, " $URLS | head -1 | cut -d',' -f2`
            mpc -q play
            sleep 2
            # Check if we just found an error (often caused by URLs being out of date).
			# Message could be "ERROR: problems decoding" or "ERROR: Failed to decode"
            mpc | grep "ERROR: .* decod" > /dev/null
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                # If mpc reported an error then fetch the URLS and try again.
                echo "Fetching station URLs..."
                mpc -q clear
                mpc -q add `grep -i "$1.*, " $URLS | head -1 | cut -d',' -f2`
                mpc -q play
            # Get the status, remove the volume line, replace any URL with
            # "unknown station" and this time let it appear on the console.
            mpc | grep -vE "^volume:" | sed "s/^http:.*/Unknown station/"
            echo "No such station"
